Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav

Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav

The Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav held on December 11th was a resounding success, bringing together a celebration of diverse languages. The event was honoured by the presence of Dr. Asha Bagganadu, a distinguished professor from Tumkur University.

The celebration showcased the rich linguistic tapestry, fostering a spirit of unity through the appreciation of various languages. Dr. Asha Bagganadu's insightful contributions added scholarly depth to the event, enriching the experience for all participants.

The gathering served as a platform to promote linguistic diversity, emphasizing its significance in our cultural heritage. The engagement and enthusiasm of attendees, combined with Dr. Bagganadu 's expertise, made the Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav a memorable and impactful occasion.

We extend our gratitude to Dr. Asha Bagganadu and all participants for making this celebration a meaningful and culturally enriching experience.
